Media Impulses <p>Media Impulses. Contributions to Education" is a preofessional journal for media education. Since 1962, its predecessors have been investigating the questions of how media are used in pedagogical practice, how the connection between the use of media tools in pedagogy is scientifically reflected upon and how it can be shaped practically. The journal is based on a broad understanding of media education. It publishes articles on working with media, especially in schools, in other pedagogical fields as well as from all areas of media educational research, on art and culture, education and politics and pedagogical materials. The contributions are reviewed. Invitations to and reports on media-pedagogical events are also published in the journal.</p> <p>Since the 01/2009 issue, the contributions have been published under a Creative Commons licence. They may be freely copied and used. There are no costs for the authors, nor for the readers. The media impulses thus promote free access to knowledge produced with public funds.</p> Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung de-DE Media Impulses 2307-3187 Editorial 02/2024: Ästhetische Medienbildung <div class="X4DQ0 zWsGpc"> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-ZMv3u" role="tablist" data-use-automatic-activation="false"> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-vzJc7b"> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-LUERP-vJ7A6b VfPpkd-AznF2e-LUERP-vJ7A6b-OWXEXe-XuHpsb" style="margin-bottom: -21px;">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <div class="vLsFwd lyY31c">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="dig2sb">&nbsp;</div> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left">&nbsp;</div> <div class="akczyd"> <div class="X4DQ0 zWsGpc"> <div class="vLsFwd bX0Okd">&nbsp;</div> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-ZMv3u" role="tablist" data-use-automatic-activation="false"> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-vzJc7b"> <div class="VfPpkd-AznF2e-LUERP-vJ7A6b VfPpkd-AznF2e-LUERP-vJ7A6b-OWXEXe-XuHpsb" style="margin-bottom: -21px;">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="X4DQ0 zWsGpc"> <div class="vLsFwd lyY31c">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div> <div class="zXU7Rb">&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="AxqVh"> <div class="OPPzxe">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="QFw9Te BLojaf"><textarea class="er8xn" style="height: 476px;" role="combobox" spellcheck="false" rows="1" placeholder="" aria-label="Ausgangstext" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="kvLWu">Maturation and fixation are polar opposites</textarea> <div class="D5aOJc vJwDU">&nbsp;</div> <div class="hlJJmd"> <div class="D5aOJc Hapztf">&nbsp;</div> <div class="Bmcqed" dir="ltr"> <div data-id="kvLWu">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <div class="cEWAef">&nbsp;</div> <div class="fXYY1b D5aOJc">&nbsp;</div> <div id="ow352">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="DVHrxd"> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left"> <div class="dig2sb">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <div class="DVHrxd"> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="UdTY9 BwTYAc leDWne" aria-hidden="true" data-location="1"> <div class="kO6q6e">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div class="ebT7ne sMVRZe"> <div class="F0pQVc">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="FFpbKc"> <div class="xMmqsf"> <div> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left"> <div class="dig2sb">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="r375lc"> <div class="aJIq1d" dir="ltr" data-language-code="en" data-language-name="Englisch" data-text="Maturation and fixation are polar opposites" data-crosslingual-hint="undefined" data-location="1" data-enable-toggle-playback-speed="true"> <div class="m0Qfkd">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <p><span class="ZTPlmc" dir="ltr" role="img" aria-label="1.097&nbsp;von 5.000&nbsp;Zeichen verwendet">1.097 / 5.000</span></p> <div class="nidPne"> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left"> <div class="dig2sb"> <div class="scLCMd"> <div>&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="FFpbKc"> <div class="xMmqsf"> <div class="nidPne"> <div data-show-delay-ms="250" data-append-to-body="true" data-propagate-tooltip-mouseover-events="true" data-anchor-corner="bottom-left" data-enable-skip-handler="false" data-popup-corner="top-left">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="usGWQd"> <div class="KkbLmb"> <div class="lRu31" dir="ltr"><span class="HwtZe" lang="en"><span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">Digitalization has arrived in education. It is anchored in the formal education system of our children and young people both as a separate subject "digital basic education" and as an interdisciplinary competence "media education". Digital (basic) education in Austria is based on three pillars: IT education, media education and design competence. Current discussions revolve primarily around IT education, i.e. a practically applied mindset that - in the sense of computational thinking - is problem-centered and solution-oriented. It is used to solve specific technical tasks, the aim of which is to ensure flawless function, to eliminate errors and to understand IT systems. Every now and then one also comes across media pedagogical approaches of the "media-critical" questioning attitude of media education, which is just as aware of the social and personal implications of technology use as it is of problematic social processes, as Dieter Baacke identified back in the 1990s (Baacke 1996).</span></span></span></div> </div> </div> Alessandro Barberi Martina Sochor Christian Swertz Copyright (c) 2024 Alessandro Barberi, Martina Sochor, Christian Swertz 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 24 Seiten 24 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-25 Ein Update für schulische Leistungsbeurteilungen: Noten für Lernende oder für KI? <p>The article addresses a little discussed aspect of the penetration of artificial intelligence and, in particular, AI-based language models into everyday school life: its use by pupils to do homework. In general, the use of artificial intelligence should be pedagogically supervised and not banned. There is no doubt that the necessary fundamental redesign of homework is challenging – for some subjects more so than others.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Petra Missomelius Copyright (c) 2024 Petra Missomelius 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 11 Seiten 11 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-18 Künstliche Intelligenz und Hausaufgaben <p>Petra Missomelius has proposed redesigning proven types of homework and task types in schools in order to meet the requirements placed with artificial intelligence systems, which <span lang="en-GB">she </span><span lang="en-GB">justifie</span><span lang="en-GB">s</span><span lang="en-GB"> by the </span><span lang="en-GB">possibilit</span><span lang="en-GB">ies</span><span lang="en-GB"> of fraud. This essay argues that </span><span lang="en-GB">first </span><span lang="en-GB">th</span><span lang="en-GB">ese</span><span lang="en-GB"> possibili</span><span lang="en-GB">ties</span><span lang="en-GB"> hardly exist, secondly, are largely harmless, and thirdly are in the social interest. Instead of changing school practices in the interest of technology companies, the teaching of </span><span lang="en-GB">critical </span><span lang="en-GB">media </span><span lang="en-GB">literacy </span><span lang="en-GB">is therefore recommended.</span></p> Christian Swertz Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Swertz 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 22 Seiten 22 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-23 Kathederstreithengst <p>In his contribution to contemporary history, Günther Sandner summarizes Otto Neurath’s biography and political work in order to trace a decisive intellectual lineage that is deeply connected to Red Vienna. Even 100 years later, Neurath’s achievements and the positions of Austromarxism – such as the demand for a “full socialization” of the economy and society – are impressively topical in the face of neo-feudal capitalism.</p> Günther Sandner Copyright (c) 2024 Günther Sandner 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 22 Seiten 22 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-11 Rezension: "Individuelles Handeln und Gemeinwohl. Eine interdisziplinäre Handlungstheorie im Kontext von Freiheit, Verantwortung und künstlicher Intelligenz" von Gerhard Tulodziecki <p>Why do we make a decision this way and not otherwise? What factors influence our actions in everyday life, work and leisure? How and by what do we orient ourselves?&nbsp;In addressing these questions, Gerhard Tulodziecki develops a differentiated and well-founded theory of action, which can also be understood as a well-founded postulate of a reflexive subject capable of social action. The author develops his considerations in two parts. The first part of the book outlines a complex model of human action, while the second part places this model in the context of fundamental questions of human action – in particular the questions of freedom of choice as well as the underlying human image and possible changes in the context of the development of artificial intelligence.</p> Bardo Herzig Copyright (c) 2024 Bardo Herzig 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 10 Seiten 10 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-05 Rezension: "Sprachmodelle verstehen – Chatbots und generative KI im Zusammenhang" von Hans-Peter Stricker <p>In his review, Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann offers the readers of MEDIENIMPULSE a pointed look at the much-discussed possibilities that arise with artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. His review of Hans-Peter Stricker's “Understanding language models” also makes it clear, in view of the discussions on the relationship between man(s) and machine(s), where the unavoidable limits lie in this respect.</p> Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann Copyright (c) 2024 Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 9 Seiten 9 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-10 Rezension: "interirdisch" von Elisa Asenbaum <p>In her book <em>interirdisch</em>, the Viennese conceptual artist Elisa Asenbaum combines literary writing, photographic works and scientific reflections to negotiate contemporary concepts of cosmology and (non-)human existence. Adressing art-led processes of knowledge acquisition and information presentation embedded in the texts of the volume, language itself and its own manifold qualities necessarily become objects of negotiation. Accordingly, Asenbaum questions conventional ontological and epistemological models in a language characterised by artifice and neologisms, which is also used again in her most recent publication <em>Einfaltung</em>. The renowned Austrian writer Birgit Schwaner has reviewed <em>interirdisch</em> and analyses the conceptual foundations and contexts of this remarkable publication.</p> Birgit Schwaner Copyright (c) 2024 Birgit Schwaner 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 11 Seiten 11 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-08 Rezension: "Viermal ICH" von Maria Lazar <p>It took almost a century before the forgotten work of Austrian exile writer Maria Lazar was rediscovered and made accessible to today's reading public. The novel <em>Viermal ICH</em> is part of her estate and tells the story of a quadriga of female personalities in the 1920s. In a series of notes, the nameless narrator interweaves the fates of three friends with her own.</p> Günter Krenn Copyright (c) 2024 Günter Krenn 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 6 Seiten 6 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-06 Rezension: "Lesen im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz" von Florian Rötzer <p>How do people relate to the cultural technique of reading in view of the rapidly developing possibilities of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT? What role does the body play in reading when confronted with disembodied chatbots? Davide Gnoato reviews the book <em>Reading in the Age of Artificial Intelligence</em> by philosopher and journalist Florian Rötzer.</p> Davide Gnoato Copyright (c) 2024 Davide Gnoato 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 9 Seiten 9 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-09 Rezension: "Lola, Toni, Yella und die anderen: Der deutsche Film nach 1990. Ein Kanon" von Corina Eker, Matteo Galli & Jörn Glasenapp (Hg.) <p>In a total of 30 contributions, the anthology deals with 30 films that are considered representative of filmmaking in Germany since 1990. The work creates an analytical overview that shows that above all the main concern of the films are Germany's own contemporary history and living in a country dominated by migration that are seen as representative of recent cinematic work.</p> Michael Burger Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Burger 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 6 Seiten 6 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-07 Self-efficacy in distance learning <p>The article deals with the role of self-efficacy in distance learning. It is argued that the concept of self-efficacy in distance learning must consider different dimensions than in face-to-face study. Based on a literature review, three key dimensions in distance learning are emphasised: academic, learning and social self-efficacy. In order to evaluate this framework and to measure the dimensions and assess their interrelationships, students on six bachelors' degree programmes at a distance learning university in Germany were surveyed. The results show that each of the three dimensions of self-efficacy has specific characteristics. The academic dimension shows that writing a thesis is the greatest challenge for students in terms of self-efficacy. There is a strong correlation between students' academic competence and their self-efficacy in terms of problem-solving and their confidence in completing their degree programme. For the learning dimension, it can be stated that self-efficacy in time management is decisive, as it influences all other items in this dimension. Although there is no strong correlation within the social dimension, self-efficacy in relation to private support and resilience can be further analysed based on the academic literature and transferability to the concept of face-to-face study.</p> Daniel Otto Celestine Kleinesper Laura Preuß Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Otto, Celestine Kleinesper, Laura Preuß 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 50 Seiten 50 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-13 Measuring Media Literacy. <p class="western">The article presents a complete overview of existing publications on the measurement of media literacy. 178 papers are analysed. Methodologically, an analysis based on Critical Media Theory, a statistical analysis and a categorising analysis are carried out. The central findings are that (1) media literacy can be measured with all dimensions, (2) media literacy can be taught, (3) there are only a few discussion threads, (4) many studies are conducted in the US, Turkey and Iran, (5) most measurements are used to communicate economic, religious or political ideologies and (6) hardly any knowledge tests are carried out.</p> Christian Swertz Kobra Mohammadpourkachalami Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Swertz; Kobra Mohammadpourkachalami 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 112 Seiten 112 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-04 „Hast du gehört? Der widerspricht sich voll selber.“ <p>Against the background of increasing “platformisation” in the education sector, this article examines the extent to which digital learning platforms can influence students’ practices and learning processes through their different didactic designs. For this purpose, the historical learning of two learning groups under the changing conditions of a content- or method-oriented designed learning module from the digital contemporary witness learning platform <em>MiBLabor</em> in a history project was ethnographically researched and analysed in terms of practice theory. The results showed that the students’ historical learning with the digital learning platform was characterised by the evocation of different practices on a technical, social and subject-specific level. Differences between the learning groups emerged mainly on a subject-specific practices and historical thinking, presumably evoked by the different didactic designs of the learning modules. The results are critically reflected upon and implications for research and practice are formulated.</p> Marcel Mierwald Copyright (c) 2024 Marcel Mierwald 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 45 Seiten 45 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-01 Demokratie braucht Medienbildung <p style="line-height: 110%; margin-left: 2.5cm; margin-right: 2.5cm;"><span style="font-size: small;"><em><span style="background: transparent;"><span lang="en-GB">The </span><span lang="en-GB">B</span><span lang="en-GB">arcamp of the </span><span lang="en-GB">i</span><span lang="en-GB">nitiative Media Education NOW! has been the meeting place for media educators from Austria for 13 years. This year, the barcamp entitled “Democracy </span><span lang="en-GB">N</span><span lang="en-GB">eeds </span><span lang="en-GB">M</span><span lang="en-GB">edia </span><span lang="en-GB">E</span><span lang="en-GB">ducation” took place in the media center of wienXtra. In </span><span lang="en-GB">eleven</span><span lang="en-GB"> exciting sessions on democracy and media education, all media educational facets of this important task for the professional work were </span><span lang="en-GB">discussed </span><span lang="en-GB">on the basis of concrete projects from </span><span lang="en-GB">p</span><span lang="en-GB">ractice</span></span></em></span></p> Christian Swertz Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Swertz (Rev) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 15 Seiten 15 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-21 CALL: Video & Filmtage 2024 Filmfestival des jungen Kurzfilms <p>The Video &amp; Filmtage – the festival of young short films is aimed at filmmakers up to the age of 22. The media center as organizer offers advice and workshops in advance, as well as studio and editing spaces as well as equipment rental in order to realize film projects in the best possible way.</p> Katharina Kaiser-Müller Copyright (c) 2024 Autorin Katharina Kaiser-Müller 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 3 Seiten 3 Seiten CALL: FROG 2024 “Gaming the Apocalypse” <p>This year the English-language, international gaming conference FROG – Future and Reality of Gaming 2024 is taking place in Vienna for the 18th time. This year’s theme is “Apocalypse.” Global warming, escalating conflicts and wars, or the possible misuse of AIs are just a few examples of the challenges of the coming generations. Could Games &amp; Play have an influence on how things ultimately develop? You can find out more on site, from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October 2024 in the Vienna City Hall.</p> Katharina Kaiser-Müller Copyright (c) 2024 Autorin Katharina Kaiser-Müller 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 7 Seiten 7 Seiten #gfm2024: versammeln <p>With the conference theme “gathering”, the Society for Media Studies (GfM) invites you to its annual conference at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from September 25th to 28th, 2024. The thematic focus this year is on media, orders, forms and critical practices of gathering, which can refer to images and data, bodies and political collectives, archives and evidence, architectures and infrastructures.</p> Katharina Kaiser-Müller Copyright (c) 2024 Autorin Katharina Kaiser-Müller 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 2 Seiten 2 Seiten Ars Electronica Festival 2024 - Festival für Kunst, Technologie und Gesellschaft <p>Find out first-hand how new technologies are changing our lives. Experience for yourself how machine learning, VR, robotics or biotech can contribute to socially and ecologically sustainable progress. Discuss at eye level what rights and obligations we should have as digital citizens. Get to know people from all over the world who want to help shape our future critically but optimistically. Ars Electronica stands for all of this.</p> Katharina Kaiser-Müller Copyright (c) 2024 Autorin Katharina Kaiser-Müller 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 3 Seiten 3 Seiten #ZWCM2024 - Zukunftswerkstatt Community Media 2024 <p>From October 31st to November 3rd, 2024, the Federal Association of Independent Radios invites you to its annual congress - the Future Workshop Community Media 2024. The #ZWCM2024 will take place in Ulm this year. In discussion rounds, workshops and lectures, #zwcm2024 offers a shared exchange on radio practice, media policy and technology.</p> Katharina Kaiser-Müller Copyright (c) 2024 Autorin Katharina Kaiser-Müller 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 3 Seiten 3 Seiten Innovation nimmt den Ball auf: Verbesserung des Flagfootball-Lernens durch den Einsatz eines Flipped-Classroom-Modells mit Moodle, H5P und Storytelling <p>Abstract<br>This article explores the application of the flipped classroom model in physical education, specifically in flag football, using the interactive e-learning tool H5P. A dedicated Moodle course, “Flagfootball4school”, was developed to provide various learning resources and introduce students to the theory and rules of flag football in an individualized way. Expert interviews helped to understand the requirements and expectations of the e-learning tool and the use of the flipped classroom model. The evaluation after five years showed a high level of student satisfaction with the ability to go through the material at their own pace and increase their enthusiasm and understanding of flag football thanks to the H5P features. Despite some technical challenges, the course generally contributed to the improvement of learning and understanding of flag football rules. The Moodle course “Flagfootball4school” enabled students to find their own learning paths and understand the theory and rules of flag football through the use of H5P. By watching the role models in the videos, they were able to come to terms with their own identity, limits and possibilities of their own playing strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses could be better assessed, the students were able to assign themselves more quickly to a playing position and were more satisfied with it.</p> Bernhard Strobl Copyright (c) 2024 Bernhard Strobl 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 34 Seiten 34 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-19 Deutsch <p>There is a need for school support measures for the digital participation of pupils with severe learning difficulties, as they encounter greater barriers to digital media than other pupils and are more affected by digital exclusion. As part of the cooperation project "KBKgoesDIGITAL", project-related lesson plans were created and tested to promote media pedagogical skills and job training preparation for students with learning difficulties. Both inclusion didactics and special educational approaches were taken into account and target group-specific lesson plans were developed in which media education is combined with the teaching of training content. This article is dedicated to the theoretical basis for the conception and design of the inclusion-oriented projects and materials and shows examples of how the aforementioned requirements were considered and implemented in the media projects. Finally, the conception and testing are reflected upon and initial findings are summarized.</p> Franziska Schaper Copyright (c) 2024 Franziska Schaper 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 35 Seiten 35 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-15 Über Buchiges und Bücher, die mega nice sind <p>Bookblog-reviews and book-related Instagram-posts are texts that can enrich the integration of social media in language and literature teaching. The consideration of the addressee, the identity-forming language, the participation structures, and the resulting relationships extend the spectrum of contemporary teaching that deals with digital writing and reading processes. Reading books (here: children's and youth media) becomes a social activity (social reading) through a collaborative exchange. Books are evaluated and help make distinctions in order to facilitate the formation of opinions. The bloggers aim to promote reading motivation and give reading recommendations to a heterogeneous readership. Concrete text examples from bookblogs and Instagram demonstrate why such texts should be included in school practice.</p> Elisa Eisenstecken Copyright (c) 2024 Elisa Eisenstecken 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 30 Seiten 30 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-02 Learning by Gaming <p class="Default" style="line-height: 150%;"><span style="color: windowtext;">This work focuses on the impact and importance of video games in terms of personal develop-ment. Previous work and discussions about such games often focus on the negative sides of them. Video games would lead to violence and addiction as well as cognitive and social prob-lems. In this work, however, video games are seen as a possible resource for coping with de-velopment tasks. With the help of problem-centered interviews, the attempt was made to find out as much as possible about attitudes, competencies, ways of thinking and behavior, values, relationships, self-portrayals and identifica-tions of players in order to make the accomplishment of these development tasks visible. Nu-merous positive effects of video games on personality development could be shown, with which many negative and stereotypical ways of thinking can be broken up.</span></p> Katharina Magdalena Mitterer Julia Steiner Julia Steiner Copyright (c) 2024 Katharina Magdalena Mitterer, Julia Steiner 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 15 Seiten 15 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-03 Aesthetics as an indicator and guide <p class="western">Aesthetics and aesthetic media education requires new attention. The “DigitalPakt Schule” (BMBF 2023), digital transformation processes in the landscape of the university or the school, the “Kultur der Digitalität” (Stadler 2016), also explicit strategies such as “Bildung in der digitalen Welt” (KMK 2017) and its supplement (KMK 2021) affect our entire educational practice. Aesthetics stands here as a title for an essential critical account to an educational concept that is understood in a one-sided, cognitive way. We encounter this one-sided educational concept in the concept of competence and in the idea that media competence (Baacke 1973, 2001) is able to provide a fundamental creative, critical education in our media or mediatized world: despite the fact that media competence implies a creative, critical-reflexive use of media, it lacks critical-reflexive reality due to its inherent conceptual logic. Instead of an educational training (or media competence) about media, we need a praxeological media education. (Bettinger 2018). Aesthetics serves as an indicator and guide in this particular regard.</p> Daniel Tramp Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Tramp 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 26 Seiten 26 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-20 Ästhetische Medienbildung in der Zwickmühle zwischen Kritik und Affirmation <p>The approaches to active, culture-oriented media work since the 1980s have recently been criticized for their unreflected or affirmative attitude towards problematic media and related political-economic developments. This puts action-oriented media education in a dilemma insofar as a return to the theory and practice of the ideology-critical alternative media work of the 1970s is considered neither possible nor desirable. The ‘creative collisions’ approach could offer a way out of this dilemma. Here, the conflicts or resistance and the fascination that arise in the active engagement with aesthetic forms of expression are not played off against each other, but rather viewed and treated as two sides of the same coin. Creative media work oriented in this way could facilitate experiences of contingency and difference (and thus promote critical skills) without neglecting the fun and enjoyment that arises in the course of such projects.</p> Iwan Pasuchin Copyright (c) 2024 Iwan Pasuchin 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 40 Seiten 40 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-24 Ästhetische Überlegungen zur Medienpädagogik <p>Aesthetic perception in encounters with artifacts is the essence of every close encounter with art, science and everyday culture and is therefore an important parameter for learning processes. Whether specifically didactically initiated or pursued out of self-interest is not insignificant for the so-called phenomenon. In the digital age, the categories and habitats of these so-called artifacts or phenomena are shifting and are being described anew through the technical level. A historical and scientific consideration of the origins of aesthetic education, media-aesthetic research and the aesthetic dimension of basic digital education leads via the concept of the educational dispositif and the iconographic bias effect to that of media-aesthetic competence. This is the initial and essential basis for the handling, use and production of media products in all areas of life and therefore in all educational contexts.</p> Elke Hackl Alexandra Scharl Jelena Ojo Copyright (c) 2024 Elke Hackl, Alexandra Scharl, Jelena Ojo 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 37 Seiten 37 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-16 Postdigital Images as 'In-between' <p>Postdigital images involve the merging of the digital and analog worlds, presenting both challenges and opportunities for educational contexts, particularly in art education. This article addresses postdigital images, their significance in today’s society, and the necessity of their integration into educational environments.</p> <p>The concept of <em>in-between </em>serves as a central aspect to highlight the potential of intermediate spaces. This includes the <em>in-between</em> of analog and digital living spaces and the reduction of knowledge gaps between teachers and learners. In this context, postdigital images and their everyday relevance are seen as an interface between teachers and learners, enabling interaction on equal footing and reshaping the concept of knowledge transfer.</p> <p>Regarding the subject of art and design, the article emphasizes that dealing with postdigital images should not be limited to visual aspects alone bit should also consider sociological perspectives.</p> Charlotte Leonore Schwarz Copyright (c) 2024 Charlotte Leonore Schwarz 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 23 Seiten 23 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-12 Kunstunterricht = ästhetische handlungsorientierte Medienbildung <p>Visuelle Kommunikation und visuelle Sozialisation findet vor allem über digitale Medien statt. In diesem Beitrag wird das Unterrichtsfach Kunst und Gestaltung als Synonym für ästhetische Medienbildung verwendet. Dazu wird der neue Lehrplan für das Fach Kunst und Gestaltung unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Bildkompetenz analysiert und Parallelen zwischen Berufs- und Lebensorientierung, Medienbildung und Kunstunterricht durch das Theorem des Citizenship beschrieben. Digital Citizenship bietet auch Parallelen zwischen Digitaler Grundbildung und dem Kunst- und Gestaltungsunterricht. Das verbindende Element ist gesellschaftliche Teilhabe durch praktisches Tun. Kunst und Gestaltung ist per se handlungsorientiert und bietet damit einen pädagogischen Mehrwert, welcher in puncto Medienbildung nicht zu überschätzen ist. Ein Unterrichtsbeispiel zum Thema Warenästhetik und Mixed Reality-Erfahrung demonstriert Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ästhetischer Medienbildung.</p> Anna-Maria Neuschäfer Copyright (c) 2024 Anna-Maria Neuschäfer 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 31 Seiten 31 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-17 Kunst und Gestaltung in Verknüpfung mit Medienbildung <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Das eigenständige und reflexive Gestalten von Medien wird im österreichischen Primarstufencurriculum im Unterrichtsfach </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kunst und Gestaltung</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> als eine zentrale Fähigkeit angeführt. Gleichsam findet sich im Medienerlass der Primarstufe die Anforderung, Schüler*innen zu einer gelungenen Einordnung beziehungsweise einem reflexiven Umgang mit medialen Inhalten zu befähigen. Die Schulung dieser überfachlichen Kompetenzen werden im vorliegenden Beitrag im schulischen Kontext der Primarstufe aufgegriffen. Dabei wird gezielt der holistische STEA+M-Ansatz gewählt, der das Unterrichtsfach </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Kunst und Gestaltung</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> als Ausgangspunkt festlegt. Die Ausdrucksfähigkeit der Schüler*innen steht dabei im Vordergrund, um vermehrt die eigene Symbol- und Bildsprache zu schulen. Diese sind wiederum eine zentrale Grundvoraussetzung für das Verstehen und die Analyse vielfältiger (medialer) Symbole und Inhalte. Theoretisch werden dabei Schnittstellen unterschiedlicher Kompetenzmodelle sowie ein in der Primarstufe erprobtes methodisch-didaktisches Konzept aufklärerischen sowie interdisziplinären Lernens und Lehrens vorgestellt, denen praktische Arbeiten und Reflexionen von angehenden Lehrpersonen der Pädagogischen Hochschule Wien zu Grunde liegen.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><br style="font-weight: 400;"><br style="font-weight: 400;"></p> Anastasiya Savran-Wellscheid Rolf Laven Copyright (c) 2024 Anastasiya Savran-Wellscheid, HS-Prof. Dr. 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 43 Seiten 43 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-14 Der Homo Ludens in der digitalen Medienbildung <p>Ausgangspunkt ist Johan Huizingas Konzept des Spiels als Grundelement kultureller Praxis. Huizinga beschreibt das Spiel als eine freiwillige Tätigkeit, die Regeln folgt und außerhalb des normalen Lebens stattfindet. Es löst Spannungen und fördert kreative Ausdrucksformen. Die darauf aufbauenden Ausführungen betonen die Bedeutung des Homo Ludens in der digitalen Medienbildung. Das Ludische kann helfen, Bildungsprozesse zu entkontextualisieren und kreatives Potenzial freizusetzen. Der spielerische Umgang mit digitalen Medien hinterfragt die Grenzen vorgegebener Strukturen und fördert neue Denkweisen. Ein spielerischer Zugang zur Ästhetik ermöglicht individuelle und unvorhersehbare Begegnungen mit Kunst, frei von vorgegebenen Zielen und Kompetenzen. Bildungssettings mit digitalen Medien sollten als offene Räume gestaltet werden, die solche Erfahrungen ermöglichen.</p> Andreas Hudelist Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Hudelist 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 63 2 19 Seiten 19 Seiten 10.21243/mi-02-24-22