About the Journal
Aims and scope
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (JEACS) is the open-access and peer-reviewed academic journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS). It is independent of financial and political interests, and not affiliated to any commercial publishing house. It is hosted by university servers and is published annually. It publishes scholarly articles and fosters academic debate on sinophone societies.
ISSN: 2709-9946
Sections and special collections
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies publishes
- Research papers must display the outcomes of unpublished original research based on Chinese language sources or fieldwork conducted in a Chinese speaking environment. These papers should make a substantial contribution to knowledge and understanding in the various fields of Chinese studies. Research papers undergo a double-blind peer-review, i.e. authors and reviewers remain anonymous for the whole review process. Research papers should not exceed 10,000 words in length, including a Chinese title, an abstract in English (max 300 words incl. space) and Chinese (200 characters including space) and at least five keywords in English and Chinese.
- Spotlights examine current trends in the field on the one hand, and recollections of historical actors in European sinology on the other hand. By analysing recent developments not available or under-represented in the news, and by challenging older sinological traditions and figures, these research essays contribute to improving the understanding of the changes affecting the Chinese world. One blind review and members of the editorial team review contributions of up to 8,000 words.
- Book reviews: We are particularly interested in publishing reviews of books published in languages other than English, so as to increase the visibility of some of the less frequently quoted European languages in Chinese studies. Proposals from authors, editors, publishers and potential reviewers are welcome and will be considered and assessed by the editors provided the suggested monographs fit the highest standards of academic publishing. Review articles undergo an editorial review, i.e. members of the editorial team review the contributions. They should be no more than 3,000 words in length.
- Translation reviews: Generally preference will be given to reviews of translations from classical or modern Chinese into a European language that is not English. By making this our general rule we want to emphasize that translation plays a significant role in the hermeneutic process of understanding China and Chinese culture as well as draw attention to the fact that Sinology and Chinese studies in Europe must be considered a multi-layered process based on a diversity of languages and academic traditions and a long an historically complex intellectual relationship between Chinese and European worlds. Review articles undergo a double-blind peer-review. They should be no more than 6,000 words in length.
- Dissertation abstracts: Information on recently defended PhD theses informs our scholarly community on new research carried in Europe by early career scholars. Authors are required to submit via our form with an abstract not more than 2300 characters including space.(in English). Editorial review only.
- Editorials introduce special issues of The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies and are prepared by the journal’s editors or by invited guest editors. Hence editorials are not open for submission. Interested parties are encouraged to send a proposal to the journal’s editors. Editorials undergo an editorial review, where the contributions are reviewed by members of the editorial team, and should be no more than 6,000 words in length.
All word limits include abstracts, notes and bibliography.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published in issue for vol. 1-4 (2020-2024). After vol 5, we will publish two issues per year.
Manuscript Submission
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies publishes only original research articles. Previously published articles or manuscripts under consideration elsewhere will not be accepted.
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. The author warrants that the paper is original and does not infringe any copyright or other right, and does not contain any infringing libelous, obscene, or other unlawful matter, that he or she is the sole and exclusive owner of the rights, and that he or she has obtained the usual permission for use in both print and electronic form from the copyright owner or his or her legal representative whenever quoting a passage from copyrighted material or using a table or figure from such material.
Find more information on how to submit your research article, book review, or abstract of a defended PhD thesis on our "submission" page.
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies is a journal that primarily publishes contributions in English with an English and Chinese abstract. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.
Copyright and License
Contributions published in The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution4.0 International License .
Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. Users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. They may remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. They must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
Open Access Policy
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies operates under the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and puts into practice the idea of academic research as a social action that is free, accessible, and transparent. The journal makes its contents accessible online and free of charge.
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies does not charge submission or publication fees (so-called "author's processing fees", APCs) from authors.
The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies is currently in the process of registering with other directories. Please contact the editors for suggestions or inquiries.
Archiving policies
The Journal's license allows all versions (1. submitted version, 2.accepted version (author accepted manuscript) and 3.published version (Version of Record)) to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.
The Journal preserve its content in the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN).
We encourage our authors to save and make accessible their data in repositories like http://zenodo.org.