Mythization of fairy tales as propaganda literature during the NS time and its far-reaching consequences
traditional texts, key texts, Theodor Vernaleken (1812-1907), Marie Moser (1895- 1972), Friedrich Kuthmayer (1875-?), fairy tales, translation, NS-ideologyAbstract
The collection of fairy tales Von Starken, Tapferen und Treuen (The strong, the brave and the loyal) by the Styrian author Marie Moser (1895-1972) was published in 1942. This small collection had a long-term effect and seems to have been one of the most widely read examples of this genre in Austria during the NS-regime. An analysis of the 18 fairy tales included in the collection allows insight into the way the genre was abused for ideological indoctrination. What is also interesting, however, is the bibliography attached in an appendix to the collection, presented curiously by the author as a seemingly academic gesture. The book gives rise to reflections on how traditional themes and motives in connection with authors’ biographical profiles are often evaluated too narrowly.