Playing with Cleopatra. About the Image of the Egyptian Queen in Products for Children and Young Adults (Introduction to Research)




Cleopatra, reception, hybrid, historical figure, pop-cultural-image


In the more than two millennia that have passed since her death, Cleopatra has inspired generations of artists in immortalising their own visions of her image. In the process of reception, she was transformed into a hybrid of a historical figure and a pop-cultural image saturated with complex symbolism based on representations in literature, art, and film, and thereby reduced to an easily identifiable and stereotypical character. The paper focuses on some case studies including figurines, costumes, and games (board and video). 

Author Biography

Karolina Anna Kulpa is a cultural studies scholar and historian (graduate from Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań) focusing on the reception of Classical Antiquity (especially the image of Cleopatra VII – PhD in 2017: “Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt: Between Historical Narration and Popular Culture”); a recipient of scholarships, she published academic papers on topics of ancient history and cultural studies; an active participant and organizer of conferences and educational expeditions, as well as coordinator of academic and cultural events (including an exhibition entitled “Egyptomania” and a project called “Metamorphosis”). She participated as an adjunct at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw in the project directed by Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak “Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges”, funded by an ERC Consolidation Grant (2016-2021). Her current research centers on the reception of Classical Antiquity in toys and games for children and youth 

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2022-07-04 — Updated on 2022-10-31
