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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format. Literature references must comply with our literature specifications.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Submitted articles should not exceed 6000 words (including tables and footnotes)


Contributions can be published in German or in English. For German contributions please use the new German spelling.


Every article should start with an abstract of about 10 lines. It should contain the most important key words of the article, so that internet search engines can find your article easily.


Please also send us about 5 keywords in German and English.


Please send your text as an MS Word document via E-Mail to . If you intend to submit your article to your corresponding editor, make sure to send a copy to


Please write your text in Arial, 12 Pt, single spaced. Apart from this please use as few styles as possible. Just leave everything in default style. For additional emphasis please use italics only. It may be helpful to take a look at one of the published articles of our journal (


Please structure your text using subtitles in the  following hierarchical order: 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1

Please number headings manually.


Please use a maximum of ten footnotes and only in exceptional cases. Footnotes in headings cannot be displayed. Make sure that the footnote sign and footnote text are assigned correctly. When copying footnotes from other texts please make sure to do so without formatting (insert options--> only accept text)

Author’s Info

Please include a short description of the author(s) (including name, degree(s), profession, institution and country) at the end of your text following the list of literature
Example: Dr. Michael Knowitall, Associate Professor, Institute of Protestant
Theology at the University of Wondertown, Wonderland.


Quotations in the text should be marked by double quotation marks ( “...” ), quotations within another quotation should be marked by single quotation marks ( ‘ ... ‘ ). In the footnotes please use short forms of references in the following way:

Surname of author (no comma) year of publication, (no “p.”) page.
Example: Naurath 2007, 87.

You can use “Ibid.” if the reference is identical with the preceding one.

List of Literature / References

At the end of your article there should be a list of the literature (headline: “References”) according to APA-Style.

Authored book

Surname, first name (abbr.) (year of publication). Title. Subtitle. City (city 1 / city 2) of publication, location: publisher.
Example: Francis, L. J. (2001), Partnership in rural education. Church schools and teacher attitudes. Sydney: Collins.

Editored book

Surname, first name (abbr.) 1 & Surname, first name (abbr.) 2 (eds.) (year of publication). Title. Subtitle. City (city 1 / city 2) of publication: publisher.
Example: Ziebertz, H.-G. & Kay, W. K. (eds.) (2006). Youth in Europe II. An international empirical study about religiosity. Münster: LIT.

Article in anthology

Last name, first name abbreviated (year of publication).  In first name (abbr.) Surname (Ed.), & first name (abbr.). last name, title. subtitle (see page numbers ...). Location: Publisher.

Example: Kollmann, B. (2013). Miracle stories. In M. Zimmermann & R. Zimmermann (Eds.), Handbuch Bibeldidaktik (pp. 202–210). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Journal Article

Surname, first name (abbr.) (year of publication), Title. Subtitle. Title of the Journal, Volume-number, No, pages.
Example: Bosacki, S. (2010). The spiritual component of children’s lives: the role of media. British Journal of Religious Education,  
32(1), pp. 49–61.

Second/further mention of a title

If you cite several publications from the same year of publication by the same author, please include bibliographical information in square brackets at the end of the bibliographical reference year of publication plus letter.

Example: Naurath, E. (2007). With feeling against violence. Compassion as the key to ethical Education in religious education. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchen publishing house. [= 2007a]

The source in the text would then be (Naurath, 2007a, p. 87).

Internet sources

Surname, first name (abbr.) (year of publication, if available). Title. URL [checked on:]
Example: Groeben, N. & Scheele, B. Dialogue-Hermeneutic Method and the "Research Program Subjective Theories" (Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Academic article). URL: [checked on: 13.03.2010].
If the author is unknown, only the name of the institution can be given.

Since URLs often are very long and may also contain dashes or dots, URL specifications may not be separated; no period is set at the end either. Please remove hyperlinks (right mouse button-->  Remove hyperlinks)


Please mark quotations that are longer than 3 lines, either by indentation or by petit-setting. In any case, your quote begins with double quotation marks "Text text text." (Einstein, 2010, p. 23–66)

Technical details

·        Please only use Word as your writing program. Open office solutions must be converted into Word standard without errors (above all, tables and footnote signs must be marked as such and must be entered in by you. Make sure that footnotes have been consistently adopted in one style and that footnote characters and texts are correctly assigned. Please also make sure that the formatting of your bibliography is consistent (with correct italics).

·        Please format tables according to APA guidelines. Do not include footnotes inside of tables, since this is hard to accommodate technically.

·        If you have copied data fields (e.g. by importing them from Citavi or similar) into the text, please make sure to remove these (underlying data fields will disable the html-formatting).

If texts do not correspond to the technical specifications, we will return them to you for revision after the reviewers’ OK for publication. Only texts that comply with the formal requirements specified will be accepted.

Pictures, tables and representations

Please provide sufficient quality, no wider than 1000 pixels. We only accept "locked" figures and tables, i.e. during the final processing no elements will be moved.

Otherwise we will transfer tables into jpeg-formatted pictures. If you prefer a different table style, please save your tables as pictures in a high resolution and also send them as an attachment to your text.

Please insert illustrations into the text (the first illustration or table is always No. 1) and send images and tables as separate attachments.

Send us only images the rights (copyright) to which you own and note the permissions of the publication rights.

Images of authors

If you want to publish a picture of yourself on the homepage of Theo-web, please also clarify the copyright situation first.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal website are used exclusively for the purposes named and not made accessible to any third parties.

See item 11 in the Privacy policy of the Vienna University Library (PDF).