Simetrías caleidoscópicas en la narrativa de Feliciano de Silva

Imágenes múltiples de amor en “La aventura de la crueldad del rey Manatiles” del Florisel de Niquea I




This article examines Feliciano de Silva's literary technique of exploring the effects of love on individuals and how the freedom to love is subject to one's will, emphasizing the ability to choose whom to love and be loved by. Through various characters in the Amadisian cycle and the Floriseles, Silva depicts different facets of love, from idealization to pragmatic satisfaction of erotic needs. A particular episode analyzed is "The Adventure of King Manatiles' Cruelty" in the first part of "Florisel de Niquea," where the narrative delves into the deception of love and its profound impacts. Through a narrative stratagem, Silva intertwines multiple fictional levels to evoke deep reflections on emotions and experiences of love. The article elucidates how Silva's narrative intricacies invite readers to ponder the complexities of love, freedom, and emotional deception within the context of courtly romance literature.




How to Cite

García Álvarez, J. P. M. (2022) “Simetrías caleidoscópicas en la narrativa de Feliciano de Silva: Imágenes múltiples de amor en ‘La aventura de la crueldad del rey Manatiles’ del Florisel de Niquea I”, Avisos de Viena. Vienna, Austria, 3, pp. 25–31. doi: 10.25365/adv.2022.3.6583.


