How to Deal with a Good Child? Prescribed Normality in Images of Children and Child-Adult Relations in Manhua Magazine, 1950-1960
Socialist propaganda, cartoon, Manhua magazine, child, child-adult relationAbstract
Children in propaganda serve various purposes and are aimed at different audiences. This paper looks at images of children in adult-oriented political cartoons from the 1950s magazine Manhua 漫畫 in order to establish the prescribed norms of child behaviour and child-adult interactions. This is achieved through analysing eulogising and satirical depictions of children as embodiments of prosperity and the future, as model citizens and moral authority, as well as misbehaving individuals and victims of abuse. Special attention is paid to the degrees of children’s agency, their ability to speak “for themselves” and to stand up to adults, and to the ensuing complications, e.g. the ambiguity of child-adult roles, the unclear ways for children to retain their “good nature” under bad influences, and even the whole idea of impeccably happy childhood under Chairman Mao. It is clear that children in the cartoons mostly act independently, speak up and pronounce their opinions, wishes, and judgements, and expect to be heard by adults. Therefore, children are not presented as voiceless or powerless. However, they are not given any higher position than the other social groups “exploited before the liberation” (labourers, women, ethnic minorities, etc.): their standing appears to be determined by their sense of duty and political consciousness.
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Zhang Leping 張樂平. 1956a. “Baba bu zai jia 爸爸不在家” (Father is not at home). Manhua 72 (September 8, 1956): 11.
———. 1956b. “Tiaojian fanshe 條件反射” (Conditioned reflex). Manhua 漫畫64 (March 18, 1956): 11.
———. 1956c. “Yang bu jiao, fu zhi guo 養不教,父之過” (Raising but not educating is father’s mistake). Manhua 漫畫65 (April 18, 1956): 11.
———. 1957. “Toutou de 偷偷地” (Secretly). Manhua 漫畫85 (March 23, 1957): 9.
———. 1958. “Fu zi chunqiu – Huzhu jiaoyu 父子春秋——互助教育” (Annals of father and son – Mutual education). Manhua 漫畫119 (August 23, 1958): 19.
———. 1959. “Huan xin gu wu ying Guoqing 歡欣鼓舞迎國慶” (Jubilantly greeting National Day). Manhua 漫畫145 (September 23, 1959): 20.
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Zhao Meisheng 趙梅生. 1957. “Dou zou bu dong 都走不動” (Neither can move). Manhua 漫畫89 (May 23, 1957): 6.
Zhao Yannian 趙延年. 1958. “Fan chang – Meiguo ertong gushi 反常——美國兒童故事” (Abnormal – A story of an American child). Manhua 漫畫113 (May 23, 1958): 16.
Zheng Wenzhong 鄭文中. 1958. “Ju bao pen 聚寶盆” (Treasure bowl). Manhua 漫畫115 (June 23, 1958): 6.
———. 1959. “Xin nian lai dao Nan Chaoxian 新年來到南朝鮮” (New year comes to South Korea). Manhua 漫畫128 (January 8, 1959): 9.
Zhou Yuequan 周月泉. 1953. “Meiguo xinwen 美國新聞” (American news). Manhua 漫畫36 (November 1953): 3.
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