


  • 该投稿还未被发表过,也没有被其他杂志接受(或者在评论中有一个解释已经提供给编辑).
  • 投稿文件的文件格式可以是OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, 或者WordPerfect document.
  • 在有条件的情况下,提供参考文献的URL.
  • 该文本为单倍行距;字号大小为12点; 采用斜体, 而不是强调 (除非获得URL 地址); 和所有的插图, 图片,以及表格被放置在文本在适当的位置而不是在结束.
  • 该文本符合作者指南里文体和书目的要求,作者指南可以在关于期刊里找到.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Manuscript submission

The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies only publishes original research articles. Previously published articles or manuscripts under consideration elsewhere will not be accepted.

Articles must be proofread before authors send them to the editors.

Submissions have to be submitted via this website. Apply for an account via journal@chinesestudies.eu


Double-blind peer-review guidelines

All articles will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity. We thus ask authors to submit two separate files to the editors:

  • The first must contain the title, the abstract & keywords of the article, as well as the author’s name, institution and contact (e-mail and postal address).
  • The second with the blinded manuscript; do not include acknowledgments or information that might lead the reviewers to identify the author.


Word count

Research articles should not exceed 10,000 words (including footnotes), and reviews 1,500 words. Authors who wish to submit longer papers must first get in touch with the editors.



The text must be single-spaced with minimum stylistic enrichment.

Please use Times New Roman and PMingLiu fonts, 12 pt. (footnotes: 10pt).  


Transcriptions and use of Chinese characters


Transcription of Chinese characters must follow the pinyin system.

Authors should provide Chinese characters for every relevant term, title or toponym upon first mention. They should be used on the first occurrence only, and must follow their transcription, without parentheses.

Translations of titles should be provided in English, in parentheses and after the first transcription-characters occurrence only.

Translations of primary sources must include the original Chinese characters, to be placed below the translation.

Characters in complex or simplified form are accepted, if used consistently throughout the article. 




Permission for copyright use must be acquired by authors before submitting their manuscript. We accept figures up to a fair limit (ca. 30); authors who wish to include more illustrations should contact the editors beforehand. Quality & resolution: minimum 300 dpi.




Authors must provide footnotes, not endnotes.

The referencing system should comply with the Chicago Manual of Style and in-text-citation. See examples for different kinds of sources here.

  • Modern secondary literature should follow the “Author-Date-Page” system, for example: (Smith 2019, 30–50).
  • Premodern primary sources should follow the “Title-Chapter-Page” scheme, for instance: (Shiji, 29.1405–1415).


All references in the text should also appear in the Bibliography at the end of the article.

The list of references should be placed at the end of the written text and arranged in alphabetical order according to author’s surname.


For primary sources:

  • Siku quanshu zongmu 四庫全書總目 (Bibliographical summaries of the Complete writings of the four repositories). (1789) 1965. Yongrong 永瑢 (ed.). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
  • Yuan shi 元史 (History of the Yuan). (1370) 1976. Song Lian 宋濂. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.


For secondary sources:

  • Boltz, William G. (1994) 2003. The Origin and Early Development of the Chinese Writing System. New Haven: American Oriental Society.
  • Hucker, Charles O. 1985. A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Korolkov, Maxim. 2011. “Arguing about Law: Interrogation Procedure under the Qin and Former Han dynasties.” Études chinoises 30: 37–71.
  • Lackner, Michael. 2015. “Reconciling the Classics: Two Case Studies in Song-Yuan Exegetical Approaches.” In World Philology, edited by Sheldon Pollock, Benjamin A. Elman, and Ku-ming Kevin Chang, 137–153. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • Unno Kazutaka 海野一隆. 1979. “Chizugaku-teki kenchi yori suru Maōtai shutsudo chizu no kentō” 地圖學的見地よりする馬王堆出土地圖の檢討 (Two Han Maps Discovered in Mawangdui: a Cartographic Study). Tōhō Gakuhō 東方學報 51: 59–82.
  • Yan Gengwang 嚴耕望. 1961. Zhongguo difang xingzheng zhidu shi. Qin-Han difang xingzheng zhidu 中国地方行政制度史卷上-秦漢地方行政制度 (History of the Chinese local administrative system, vol. 1: the Qin and Han local administrative system). Taipei:_Zhongyang yanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo.


Cinema/Documentaries/TV series titles:

  • Ai Xiaoming 艾曉明. 2005. Taishicun 太石村.
  • Zhang Yimou 張藝謀. 1988. Red Sorghum (Hong Gaoliang 紅高粱).




Authors should provide an abstract (max. 400 words) followed by (up to) 5 keywords, in both English and Chinese, and, if it applies, in the author’s mother tongue.

To facilitate the processing, all authors are requested to fill out the metadata during the submission process.

