A Uyghur Concubine and a French Juggler Resisting Japanese Imperialism

Jue Qing’s Aesopian Language in Manchukuo’s Official Literature


  • Martin Blahota Charles University




中國, 滿洲國, 文學, 審查制度, 爵青(1917-1962)




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2021-03-07 — Updated on 2020-12-30


How to Cite

Blahota, M. (2020). A Uyghur Concubine and a French Juggler Resisting Japanese Imperialism: Jue Qing’s Aesopian Language in Manchukuo’s Official Literature. The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies 歐洲漢學學會學刊, 1, 89–127. https://doi.org/10.25365/jeacs.2020.1.89-127 (Original work published 2021年3月7日)


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