À propos de cette revue

Open Access Policy

Chronotopos operates under the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities and puts into practice the idea of academic research as a social action that is free, accessible and transparent. The journal makes its contents accessible online and free of charge. Chronotopos does not charge submission or publication fees from authors.

Copyright and License

Contributions published in Chronotopos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Therefore, contributions and can be shared and adapted freely, as long as appropriate credit is given,changes are indicated and it is used for non-commercial purposes. Please see the full licence for details.

Creative Commons License


Chronotopos is a plurilingual journal that primarly publishes contributions in English,German and French. After consultation with the editors, contributions in other languages are welcome only if the editorial board can ensure peer review in the respective language(s).


Chronotopos publishes two issues per year.

Call for Papers are published on this website and on social media. Furthermore, the call is shared on relevant websites or in newsletters.

Suggestions for conference reports, book reviews or other contributions such as commentaries are welcome throughout the year.

The average number of weeks between first submission and publication is 20 weeks.

Review Process

All articles submitted to Chronotopos are first assessed by the editorial team and then undergo a double-blind peer review by two reviewers. Nevertheless, we encourage a direct and personal exchange between the author and the reviewer on a voluntary basis to encourage a fruitful discussion and thus to improve the review process. 

Book reviews, conference reports and similar contributions do not undergo double-blind peer review but are reviewed and assessed by the editors.

Longterm Archiving

All issues of Chronotopos are permanently archived in the Austrian National Library (ONB).

Indexing & Membership

Chronotopos is listed in DOAJ, the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Chronotopos became a member of the Council of Editors of Translation & Interpreting Studies for Open Science in 2021 and adheres to its aims.

Chronotopos is currently in the process of registering in other directories and applying for indices. Please contact the editors for suggestions or enquiries.