
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

En tant que partie intégrante du processus de soumission, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec tous les éléments suivants, et les soumissions peuvent être retournées aux auteurs qui ne sont pas conformes à ces directives.
  • Le texte a fait l'objet d'une vérification orthographique et d'une relecture.
  • Le texte suit les lignes directrices stylistiques et bibliographiques des lignes directrices à l'intention des auteurs.
  • L'article n'a jamais été publié auparavant et n'a été soumis à aucune autre revue (sinon, une explication dans "Commentaires pour les éditeurs" est jointe).
  • Si possible, les adresses URL (en particulier les DOI, si disponibles) ont été ajoutées aux références bibliographiques.
  • Le texte est formaté avec un interligne simple, taille de police 12, éventuellement en italique, non souligné (à l'exception des adresses URL) ; toutes les illustrations, graphiques et tableaux sont insérés à un endroit approprié dans le texte et non pas à la fin du texte.
  • L'auteur est d'accord avec la soumission de la publication de la contribution sous la "Creative Commons Paternité - Licence internationale non commerciale 4.0".

Directives aux auteurs

Process of Submission

Complete contributions can be submitted anytime online via the electronic journal management system (OJS).

Please hand in an anonymized version of your contribution. Information about the autor(s) should not be included at all in the files (and their meta data).

Submitted contributions will be first checked by the editors and will then undergo a double-blind peer review process.

After the review process and (if necessary) revisions by the authors, the authors will receive proofs for correction, which must be returned within the time frame determined by the publication schedule.

 Chronotopos does not charge authors any processing or publishing fees.

Types of contribution

Chronotopos publishes

  • articles
  • commentaries and peer-review reports
  • documents of translation history
  • book reviews
  • conference reports

The section "documents of translation history" provides space for a variety of contributions. These may be, for example, historical texts that deal with translation and are not, or no longer, available, or translations of paratexts by translators. Depending on the contribution, the text length and form can vary. Text suggestions or ideas can be submitted to the editors at any time. Contributions in this section are not subject to peer review.


Chronotopos is a plurilingual journal that primarly publishes contributions in

  • English
  • German
  • French

After consultation with the editors, contributions in other languages are welcome only if the editorial board can ensure peer review in the respective language(s).

 Form of manuscript

Concerning the overall form of the manuscript, authors are asked to keep formatting to a minimum; do not use right-justified margins and do not divide words at ends of lines.

For the first submission, papers must not adhere to the Chronotopos stylesheet. They necessary adjustments can be made once the peer review process is complete. The style sheet can also be used as a template. You can download it in German or English as a Word or a PDF document.

Only papers with a maximum length between 5000 and 7000 words will be accepted (exception: book reviews and conference reports). Please get in contact with the editors in advance, if your planned contribution would not meet the criteria.

The title page (which has to be handed in alongside the file with the contribution) should include the title of the article, a short version of the title (to appear in the header of the document) an abstract of about 150-200 words, suggested keywords (from four to six) and a short bionote (affiliation, research interests, recent publications). Furthermore it includes the author’s name and affiliation and full address (including e-mail).


Copyright Notice

This journal and all its contributions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The copyright remains with the author, not with (the editors of) Chronotopos. The journal only has the right of exploitation to publish the contribution and make it available to others.

The author of an article (in case of multiple authors: the corresponding author, responsible for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors) accepted to be published in Chronotopos hereby acknowledges the following Copyright Notice:

  1. The author retains the copyright to the article.
  2. It is the responsibility of the author, not of Chronotopos, to obtain permission to use any previously published and/or copyrighted material.
  3. Publication of a submitted text is dependent on positive results from peer reviewing. In that case, Chronotopos editors have the right to publish the text.
  4. In case of publication, the article will be assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) number.
  5. The author agrees to abide by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The license permits any user to download, print out, extract, reuse, archive, and distribute the article in any non-commercial way, as long as appropriate credit is given to the author and source of the work. 
  6. The license ensures that the author’s article will be available as widely as possible and that the article can be included in any scientific archive. In order to facilitate distribution, the author agrees that the article, once published, will be submitted to various abstracting, indexing and archiving servicesas selected by Chronotopos.
  7. In addition, the author is encouraged to self-archive the article, once published, with reference to Chronotopos as the place of first publication.
  8. After the contribution appears in Chronotopos, it is still possible to publish it elsewhere with reference to the place of first publication.


Déclaration de confidentialité

Names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal website are used exclusively for the purposes named and not made accessible to any third parties.

See item 12 on the Datenschutzerklärung der DLE Bibliotheks- und Archivwesen der Universität Wien (PDF, only available in German).