Book Review

Chengyu: Caratteristiche e apprendimento delle espressioni idiomatiche del cinese


  • Carmen Lepadat La Sapienza



Chengyu, four-character-idioms, Chinese proverbs, socio-linguistics, Chinese as a foreign language, 成語, 四字成語, 諺語, 社會語言學, 對外漢語, 書評


Book review: Sergio Conti. Chengyu. Caratteristiche e apprendimento delle espressioni idiomatiche del cinese [Chengyu: Characteristics and learning of Chinese idioms]



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2021-03-07 — Updated on 2020-12-30


How to Cite

Lepadat, C. (2020). Book Review: Chengyu: Caratteristiche e apprendimento delle espressioni idiomatiche del cinese. Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 1, 317–323. (Original work published March 7, 2021)



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