Ende der China-Illusion. Wie wir mit Pekings Machtanspruch umgehen müssen

Janka Oertel


  • Andreas Fulda University of Nottingham, United Kingdom




Illusion, China, Germany, European Union


This German-language popular science book entitled 'End of the China illusion. How we must deal with Beijing's power ambitions' comes at a pivotal time (please note that all following translations from German to English are my own). Written by Janka Oertel, Director of the Asia programme and a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, this book is certain to contribute to an increasingly lively public debate in Germany about how to best engage with autocracies. In the academic discourse John Lough's Germany's Russia Problem or Hamilton and Ohlberg's Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World have previously shed light on the various challenges emanating from Putin's Russia and Xi's China. In her book, Oertel aims to dispel common misconceptions about China, which she calls the 'China illusion'. Besides the Chinese Communist Party, Oertel believes western entrepreneurs, politicians, and experts also contributed to what she calls the 'myth of modern China'. 

《終結對中國的幻覺:我們應如何面對強勢的北京》,這本德語科普書籍的問世正逢其時。此書由歐洲對外關係委員會亞洲項目主任兼高級政策研究員揚卡 ∙ 奧特爾(Janka Oertel)撰寫,必將引發德國社會廣泛討論如何與專制國家發展關係。在學術領域,約翰 ∙ 拉夫(John Lough)的《德國的俄羅斯問題》,以及漢密爾頓(Hamilton)和奧爾伯格(Ohlberg)合著的《隱蔽的手: 揭露中國共產黨如何重塑世界》已經對普京主導的俄羅斯和習近平時代的中國所帶來的挑戰進行了深入分析。西方對中國普遍存在的認知誤區,奧特爾在其著作中稱之為“中國幻覺”,並指出,構建這一“現代中國神話”的除了中國共產黨自身,還有西方商界、政界人士和學術界的專家。


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Franceschini, I. and N. Loubere (2022), Global China as Method. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Furedi, F. (2023), “The Politicisation of the Personal and the Depoliticisation of the Political”, Roots & Wings with Frank Furedi. Available online: https://frankfuredi.substack.com/p/the-politicisation-of-the-personal (accessed 29 August 2023).

Hamilton, C. and M. Ohlberg (2020), Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World. London: Oneworld Publications.

Lough, J. (2021), Germany's Russia Problem: The Struggle for Balance in Europe. Manchester: Man-chester University Press.

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Terhalle, M. (2016), “IB-Professionalität als Praxisferne? Ein Plädoyer für Wandel”. Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 9: 121–138.



2023-12-26 — Updated on 2023-12-27


How to Cite

Fulda, A. (2023). Ende der China-Illusion. Wie wir mit Pekings Machtanspruch umgehen müssen: Janka Oertel. Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 4, 335–341. https://doi.org/10.25365/jeacs.2023.4.fulda (Original work published December 26, 2023)



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