Reading Yan Lianke’s Fiction through the Lens of Shijing Exegesis
Chinese Literature, Yan Lianke, Shijing, interpretation, Ballads, Hymns, Odes, fictionAbstract
Yan Lianke is one of the most prominent contemporary writers in China and worldwide. This study reaches beyond the established masterpieces of Yan’s oeuvre and concentrates on works that have received less critical attention—namely the satirical novels Hard Like Water and Ballads, Hymns, Odes. The former work is a “revolution plus love” story set in the early People’s Republic of China, while the latter is an account of the travails of a contemporary Chinese professor. This essay focuses on the recurring motif of the protagonists rendering the world around them in ways that resemble different aspects of the Shijing exegetic tradition. While some elements of this tradition may appear dated and of limited value, this essay argues that Yan is interested in exegesis as a practice of unconstrained literary imagination. Yan’s characters, who are either feverishly devoted to a single interpretive framework or are stumbling in search of an innermost meaning, serve as metaphors for trials and tribulations experienced by intellectuals in their quest for truth and knowledge. Thus, the close reading presented in this essay explores the focal point of Yan’s fiction and the long-lasting tradition of interpreting Shijing poems that is manifested in the inquisitive intellectual spirit of the protagonists of Hard Like Water and Ballads, Hymns, Odes.
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