The Humboldt Code
On creating a hybrid digital scholarly edition of a 19th century globetrotter
Alexander von Humboldt, Reisejournale, kritische Edition, Hybridedition, edition humboldtAbstract
Tobias Kraft and Stefan Dumont report on the hybrid digital scholarly edition of Alexander von Humboldt. The complementary approach of ‘edition humboldt’ combines the strengths of a reader-friendly book edition with those of a digital full-text and facsimile edition based on a carefully curated data infrastructure. In addition to the advantages of the book for the concentrated study of longer texts, the online edition offers the complementary technological and methodological framework to provide a scholarly reliable basis for research into Humboldt’s work and life-long research activities.
Tobias Kraft und Stefan Dumont geben einen Werkstattbericht zur Hybridedition von Humboldts Reisedokumenten im Rahmen des deutschen Akademieprogramms. Der Ansatz der ‚edition humboldt‘ verbindet die Stärken einer lesefreundlichen Buchedition mit denen einer digitalen Volltext- und Faksimile-Edition auf der Grundlage einer sorgfältig entwickelten Dateninfrastruktur.
Copyright (c) 2020 Tobias Kraft, Stefan Dumont

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