Inselreich in Bewegung
Durch die Augen einer Journalistin
Heisei, Fukushima, Tōhoku earthquake, Hanshin earthquake, OkinawaAbstract
Journalistin Judith Brandner stellt ihr aktuelles Buch Japan - Inselreich in Bewegung vor und diskutiert über wichtige Zäsuren in der Heisei-Zeit, die sie selbst miterlebt hat.
Japan has been shaped by dramatic events throughout the past three centuries: the forced opening and the advent of modernity in the 19th century, the first atomic bombs in the 20th century, one of the worst nuclear disasters in history in the 21st century. In her new book, Judith Brandner traces arcs in between these watershed moments. Brandner’s reportages shed light on some of the most serious issues in Japanese society today: fatal demographic trends, the working poor, discussion on Article 9 of the constitution, Okinawans’ fight for independence or the ongoing crisis in Fukushima.
Copyright (c) 2020 Adam Gregus, Judith Brandner (Autor/in)
Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International.