Aim and Scope

The MINIKOMI: Austrian Journal of Japanese Studies is an international, interdisciplinary and open access journal that covers a variety of topics (e.g. culture, society, history, economy, geography, politics) from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics should be related to Japan, but are not restricted to the geographical region, when spatial and political borders are crossed or transcended. MINIKOMI publishes special issues (with a given topic) and open issues (open for all submissions). The journal invites both established as well as young scholars to present research results and theoretical and methodical discussions, to report about ongoing research projects or present field studies, to conduct interviews with experts in the field, to review relevant books and to publish conference reports, translations and artistic contributions. Contributions can be submitted in German, English or Japanese.

Japan; Japanese studies; area studies; interdisciplinarity; social sciences; cultural studies; open access

Review Process
MINIKOMI uses editorial review for all contributions and additional peer review for academic articles and student’s papers.

[ Artikel | Article | 論文 ]
[ künstlerischer Beitrag | Artistic Contripution | 芸術品 ]
[ Übersetzung | Translation | 翻訳 ]
[ Gespräch | Interview | 対談 ]
[ Konferenzbericht | Conference Report | 会議報告書 ]
[ Rezension | Review | 批評 ]
[ zuihitsu | Essay | 随筆 ]

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