El nacimiento de un nacimiento





picaresca, pícaro, Lázaro de Tormes, la picara Justina, Francisco López de Úbeda, Siglo de Oro, Justina, The Interpretation of Childbirth in Early Modern Spain, nacimiento


The river Tormes, passing through Tejares, witnessed two unusual births around the mid-16th century: first, the offspring Antona Pérez gave to her husband, the miller of Tejares, who would later become known as the servant to many masters. Second, the birth of the picaresque genre itself, unlike the former, with no known lineage. Picaresque literature, intimately tied to the moment of birth, follows a retrospective biographical format, marking its beginning with the protagonist's arrival into the world. The birth signifies the start of the picaro's days but not necessarily the beginning of their adventures. The picaro's life and fortune are conditioned by their ancestry, emphasized by picaresque novels which highlight the character's lineage and the quality of their progenitors. These novels offer a glimpse into the challenges faced by ordinary people during the Golden Age as they navigate through life's tribulations.


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How to Cite

Sanz-Lázaro, F. (2020) “El nacimiento de un nacimiento”, Avisos de Viena. Vienna, Austria, 1, pp. 6–9. doi: 10.25365/adv.2020.1.6170.


