Hay una higa para quien da consejo sin que se lo pidan





Semantic evolution, Renaissance Spain, 17th-century Spain, Paremiology


The assertion that "tres higas hay en Roma" finds resonance in Renaissance Spain, particularly evident in its proverbial culture. Gonzalo Correas, a renowned paremiologist, elaborates on this theme, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the gesture of dar una higa ("giving a fig)." Initially perceived as an insult or vulgar gesture, the semantic evolution of the fig gesture reveals a transition from offense to protection. Covarrubias and Nebrija provide insights into the gesture's origins, connecting it to ancient practices and beliefs. Through literary and historical analysis, this article explores how the fig gesture transformed from a symbol of contempt to a talisman against the evil eye. Examples from Spanish literature and artwork, including royal portraits adorned with fig amulets, illustrate the gesture's changing significance in Renaissance and Baroque Spain.




How to Cite

Sanz-Lázaro, F. (2023) “Hay una higa para quien da consejo sin que se lo pidan”, Avisos de Viena. Vienna, Austria, 5, pp. 55–63. doi: 10.25365/adv.2023.5.8157.