Las Manos de la comadre y la camisa del padre
El parto y la creación de los primeros vínculos humanos
The Interpretation of Childbirth in Early Modern Spain, childbirth, Spain, España, comadre, camisa, padre, nacimiento, parto humano, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, manos de la comadre, madre tierraAbstract
The birth process in the human species is peculiar: it severs the primary connection with the mother, yet, without much delay, new bonds must be forged upon which the survival of a helpless being depends. Who responds to the cries and calls of the newborn? This is the question at hand in every birth, even those occurring under normal conditions, where a mother is ready to attend to her child. This distinguishing feature separates humans from animal species, which do not rely on other group members for assistance during birth and the reception of the newborn. Human childbirth involves the unique intervention of another group member, aiding the mother in the final stages, which not only reduces maternal-infant mortality but also provides crucial emotional support. While the exact origin of this characteristic is unknown, it likely predates the emergence of our species, underscoring the emotional and social significance of the birthing scene in human history.
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