Sor Juana – subversiv oder doch ingeniös?
Sor Juana, Neospanish Literature, El divino Narciso, Auto sacramentalAbstract
This article explores Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz's neospanish literary works, particularly focusing on her auto sacramental El divino Narciso. It challenges the traditional notion of subversion in 17th-century literature and instead examines the concepts of ingenium, agudeza, and concepto prevalent in Baroque discourse. By analyzing Sor Juana's ingenious use of allegory, wordplay, and intertextuality, the study argues that her works offer a dynamic engagement with language itself, rather than a straightforward critique of political or religious institutions. Drawing on examples from Sor Juana's auto sacramental and its adaptation of mythological narratives, the article demonstrates how she intertwines themes of transubstantiation and metamorphosis to create intellectually stimulating literary texts.
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