What is Other than “Us”

The Non-Buddhist Sources in the Chinese Buddhist Commentary Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue


  • Rusha Jin University of Edinburgh




commentary, intertextuality, Zhiguan fuxing chuanhong jue, Zhanran, Tiantai Buddhism, thought


This study delves into Zhanran’s Zhiguan fuxing chuanhong jue (hereafter ZFCJ ), a commentary on the Mohe zhiguan. It focuses on this Buddhist commentary’s incorporation of non-Buddhist sources and highlights two primary approaches. First, the commentary employs a strategy of “philological exposition” to blend Zhanran’s knowledge with the object of the commentary, Zhiyi’s Mohe zhiguan. Second, instead of simply contradicting non-Buddhist teachings, it exemplifies an approach of “interpretational integration” to affirm the superiority of Buddhism by juxtaposing non-Buddhist and Buddhist content. This paper argues that non-Buddhist sources significantly enrich the text of the ZFCJ, showcasing Zhanran’s extensive interdisciplinary knowledge and highlighting the interplay between, and synthesis of, Buddhism and traditional Chinese culture. By providing a comprehensive case study, this research aims to contribute to a broader understanding of literary practices within Chinese Buddhist traditions.



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How to Cite

Jin, R. (2024). What is Other than “Us”: The Non-Buddhist Sources in the Chinese Buddhist Commentary Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue. The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 5, 207–223. https://doi.org/10.25365/jeacs.2024.5.jin



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