Commentary and Exegesis in the Pre-Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Chinese Worlds

An Introduction


  • Marie Bizais-Lillig Université de Strasbourg



China, Japan, commentary, exegesis, reading, framework, introduction


Despite its centrality and its impact from a historical perspective, commentary is usually considered a tool for deciphering great works or as a faint trace of intellectual activity. Except for a few instances in the field of philosophy, it has been reduced to an ancillary status and denied that of a text per se. This introduction presents the framework in which the project of this special issue developed, the questions that were raised, and the key elements that characterise commentaries and that ap-peared through the project.




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How to Cite

Bizais-Lillig, M. (2024). Commentary and Exegesis in the Pre-Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Chinese Worlds: An Introduction. Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 5, 7–17.



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