Epistolary Activities in the Early Southern Ming Period (1644-1652)


  • Qian Su University of Leeds




Letter, Epistolary Activities, The Southern Ming Period, The Ming-Qing Transition, Ming Loyalists


This study examines the communicative function, political value, and epistolary stages of letters during the war-filled early Southern Ming period. The term “Southern Ming” was proposed by modern historians to refer to the Ming regimes established in the south after the collapse of the Beijing Ming government in 1644. On the basis of this social context, this study focuses on letters written by Southern Ming supporters between 1644 and 1652, avoiding simply categorising them as Ming or Qing letters. I argue that because of the paralysed Ming postal system, these private letters became an alternative method for the dissemination of Ming or Qing military and political news, effectively liaising with Southern Ming supporters in different territories or regions. Furthermore, the epistolary stages of writing, transmission, reception, preservation, circulation, and dissemination demonstrated dynamic interactions. The understanding of the social situation in the war period and the anticipation of possible variables at different stages of letter exchange prompted Southern Ming correspondents to try to avoid factors that might disrupt their correspondence, even before they began to write. The turbulent social situation caused early Southern Ming letters not only to contain their correspondents’ self-representation but also to be involved in the political and military fields in the special era of the Ming-Qing transition.



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How to Cite

Su, Q. (2024). Epistolary Activities in the Early Southern Ming Period (1644-1652). The Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 5, 245–267. https://doi.org/10.25365/jeacs.2024.5.su



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