Die juristische und geodätische Administration des Eigentums an Grund und Boden in Rumänien im 20. Jahrhundert


  • Dietmar Müller Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig
  • Alina Bojincă Institute of Political Research (Institutul de Cercetări Politice – ICP)




Between the elite notion of property and the practices of property to land in the coun- tryside are – as mediating forces – institutions and professions which administer land. This chapter focuses on the twentieth century Romanian administration of property to land by the institutions of the cadastre and land registry and the professions of the lawyer, geodesist, and notary public. The ever growing role of the state since the interwar period in agriculture was not corroborated with the creation of efficient systems of land administra- tion. Correspondingly, only the profession of the lawyer could gain a significant degree of autonomy while other proto-professions remained dependant on the state. The low level of legal security regarding property to land across the twentieth century reflects the role of agriculture and the countryside in the elites’ vision, being considered as an area of capital extraction, backwardness, and diminished civil rights.


