Funding conditions for Open Access publication funds: Open Access – “all or nothing”?




Publication Fund, Funding Conditions, Open Access, Transformation, Open Access Funding, Article Processing Charges


Which funding conditions for Open Access publication funds are advisable or even necessary? Are such restrictions compatible with the goal of a complete transformation of the scholarly publishing system to Open Access? This article deals with a number of questions that were discussed in the course of the drafting of a guidance document on funding conditions for publication funds in the project “Austrian Transition to Open Access – AT2OA”. It deals with controversial issues that originate from discipline-specific differences, the preference or discrimination of persons (or groups) for strategic reasons, as well as requirements concerning licensing and publication types. Finally, it discusses which types of expenditure or Open Access funding models should be eligible for funding from a publication fund.


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How to Cite

Capellaro, C. and Kaier, C. (2019) “Funding conditions for Open Access publication funds: Open Access – ‘all or nothing’?”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 72(1), pp. 74–88. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v72i1.2278.