Social sciences, humanities and their interoperability with the European Open Science Cloud: What is SSHOC?


  • Ivana Ilijašić Veršić CESSDA – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
  • Julian Ausserhofer University of Vienna, AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive



Open Science, federated & inclusive EOSC, Research Infrastructures, Social Science & Humanities, FAIR data


The EC H2020 cluster project SSHOC aims to provide a full-fledged Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud where data, tools, and training are available and accessible for users of SSH data. The focus of the project is determined by the goal to further the innovation of infrastructural support for digital scholarship, to stimulate multidisciplinary collaboration across the various subfields of SSH and beyond, and to increase the potential for societal impact. The intention is to create a European open cloud ecosystem for social sciences and humanities, consisting of an infrastructural and human component. SSHOC will encourage secure environments for sharing and using sensitive and confidential data. It will contribute to the Open Science agenda and realization of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), as well as contribute to innovations stemming from the coupling of heterogeneous data types and work on the Interoperability principle of FAIR.


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How to Cite

Ilijašić Veršić, I. and Ausserhofer, J. (2019) “Social sciences, humanities and their interoperability with the European Open Science Cloud: What is SSHOC?”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 72(2), pp. 383–391. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v72i2.3216.



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