“e-Infrastructures Austria Plus”. Short version of the final report on the HRSM project for the creation, establishment and networking of infrastructure for the preparation and management of project applications and research data
eScience, Open Science, e-Infrastructures, Research Data ManagementAbstract
In the “Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizin Europe1”, the strategy paper of the EU-Commission on the 9th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the following sentence can be found on the importance of Open Science: “Open science practices will be mainstreamed as the new modus operandi for EU research and innovation.“ Open Science will be the specification of how research should be carried out in the future with the help of digital tools and networks. Although the EU-Commission is a pioneer in this area, local funding bodies are already following suit. For research institutions, this means that the institutional research infrastructure must be further developed to meet these requirements. In the project "e-Infrastructures Austria Plus", seven work packages have begun to build up the know-how and technical infrastructures required for this.
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