The Application of EDP in Austrian Libraries Using the Example of the University of Graz Library




library automation, Graz University Library, history


The use of EDP systems brought about a radical change in the use and management of university libraries from the 1970s onwards. The library of the University of Graz was one of the first libraries in Europe, as well as the first library in Austria, to develop and deploy an electronic library system. This article provides a historical overview of the beginnings, development, and distribution of electronic library systems in general and at the University of Graz in particular. It presents the library systems GRIBS, EMILE, FBInfo, BIBOS, ALEPH, and ALMA, which have been used over the decades, as well as the development from the first online databases to CD-ROM databases and modern database retrieval.


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How to Cite

Lackner, K. and Schilhan, L. (2021) “The Application of EDP in Austrian Libraries Using the Example of the University of Graz Library”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 74(2), pp. 171–204. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v74i2.6395.