Item Level Cataloguing in the Austrian Library Network

Results of a Working Group of the Austrian Cataloguing Committee




Austrian Library Network (OBV), Item Level Information, Cataloguing on Item Level, Provenance Cataloguing, Integrated Authority File (GND), Consortium Search Interface


The importance of cataloguing on an item level – i.e., the presentation of special features as well as data on the history of a particular book in the catalogue – increased in recent years due to research on and reconstruction of old and valuable holdings, research concerning holdings of Nazi-provenance, and digitization. In order to find common solutions for cataloguing, but especially for the network-wide presentation and searchability of item level information, a working group of the Austrian Cataloguing Committee was established. The article presents the results of the working group, including working documents for indexing as well as the necessary set-up of the Consortium Search Interface, which allows for specific searches, item-specific links and, last but not least, the provisional use of authority data.


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How to Cite

Alker-Windbichler, S., Bauer, K.-H., Bruckner, W., Cerny, N., Kiegler-Griensteidl, M. and Labner, J. (2021) “Item Level Cataloguing in the Austrian Library Network: Results of a Working Group of the Austrian Cataloguing Committee”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 74(2), pp. 205–233. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v74i2.6411.