Gender in Comics? Questions and answers on the research project "Visualities of Gender in German-language Comics"




comics, gender, autography


The project Visualities of Gender in German-language Comics, funded by the FWF and located at the Department of German Philology at the University of Vienna, systematically investigates how gender is narrated in comics through linguistic and visual codes and to what extent gender norms are discussed. The article presents the research project, its conception and goals, the corpus as well as the essential database and, last but not least, its theoretical approaches. In addition, characteristics of comics with regard to gender and points of contact with frida are addressed.  Indeed, comics by women, including numerous autobiographical works, have been an integral part of the comics boom of recent decades. Even more so, comics by and for women appear to be an appropriate medium for taboos, articulating illness, sexuality, trauma, violence, and injuries of various kinds in a way that is of both personal and societal interest. Auto_biographical documents are important elements of these artistic explorations. One example is Ulli Lust’s autobiographical comic Today is the Last Day of the Rest of Your Life (2009).


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How to Cite

Hochreiter, S., Rauchenbacher, M. and Serles, K. (2022) “Gender in Comics? Questions and answers on the research project ‘Visualities of Gender in German-language Comics’”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 75(1), pp. 226–239. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v75i1.7214.