Second Digital Wave in Research Management: Structural Conditions and Orientations at Lower Austrian Research Institutions




research management, research information systems, CRIS, survey, digitalization, sociology, Austria


Collecting, processing and balancing information about research activities is a central task of research management at all levels. Research information systems support this task. Although the topic is increasingly discussed, there is still a lack of robust empirical data on the spread of research information systems among research institutions and what differences there are between different types and sizes of research institutions. Building on a telephone survey of organizations in Lower Austria, we diagnose a second digital wave of research management. Advanced research information systems are on the rise and there is a strong dynamic of digital transformation. However, the wave also brings deep currents that point to a fragmentation of the field. These are of great importance for public projects, if one does not want to reproduce disadvantages for small research institutions.


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How to Cite

Knopp, P., Chlastak, M. and Przyborski, A. (2023) “Second Digital Wave in Research Management: Structural Conditions and Orientations at Lower Austrian Research Institutions”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 76(1), pp. 156–180. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v76i1.7870.