Exposing the Authorial Intent?

Self-Commentaries in Xie Lingyun’s Shanju Fu


  • Olga Lomová Charles University




Xie Lingyun, Shanju fu, grand fu, self-commentary


One remarkable feature of the early-fifth-century autobiographical poem Shanju fu 山居賦 (Fu on dwelling in the mountains) by Xie Lingyun 謝靈運 (385–433) is that the poet provided his verse with regular annotation in what he called “self-commentaries” (zizhu 自註). The Shanju fu, composed in the grand fu genre, was written after the poet, following his abrupt decision, not sanctioned by the court, to retire from office, settled on his ancestral estate in Shining in Guiji prefecture on the eastern periphery of Song state. The poem provides extensive descriptions of the environment through the eyes of the poet personally observing, discovering, inspecting, managing, and enjoying his estate. These descriptions are framed with brief meditations on the general topic of living in reclusion, the lives of the poet and his ancestors, and his own pursuit of Daoist longevity and Buddhist enlightenment. Unlike previous scholarship about the Shanju fu, I discuss the poem from the perspective of its self-commentaries and argue that they are an important structural device enabling the author to mitigate the potentially dangerous rhetoric of political independence and sovereignty subtly expressed in the poem.




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How to Cite

Lomová, O. (2024). Exposing the Authorial Intent? : Self-Commentaries in Xie Lingyun’s Shanju Fu. Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, 5, 57–75. https://doi.org/10.25365/jeacs.2024.5.lomova



Commentary and Exegesis

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