On the Ethical Handling of Ethnographic Repositories: New Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence





Digital publishing, CARE principles, artificial intelligence, copyright law, image database, digitalization, image rights


Using the example of the estates of the Austrian ethnographer Werner Finke (1942–2002) and the German-speaking cultural and social anthropologist Walter Dostals (1928–2011) at the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), ethical aspects of dealing with ethnographic repositories and new challenges in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) will be discussed. The process of publishing digital copies of such collections often poses complex challenges, particularly with regard to legal and ethical issues. The use of AI further exacerbates these concerns. The discussion about the moral responsibility and content-related considerations that must be made when an institution publishes sensitive image and data sets appears in a new context against the backdrop of the rapid spread and use of AI.


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How to Cite

Kocher, V. (2024) “On the Ethical Handling of Ethnographic Repositories: New Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 77(1). doi: 10.31263/voebm.v77i1.8649.




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