Code of Ethics and Equality Statement

Code of Ethics – Archaeological Remains and Materials

Interdisciplinary Egyptology is committed to furthering the study of Egyptology whilst upholding the ethical standards that underpin current scientific research. These standards apply not only to the research itself, but to the manner in which it is conducted.

Provenience and Provenance

IntEg is committed to upholding the terms of the UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.

IntEg will not accept for publication any research or scientific analyses based on objects or material (incl. human remains) that:

  • would be regarded as illicitly obtained according to the current laws of the country in which the material was found
  • would be regarded as illicitly obtained according to current international treaties and conventions
  • cannot be supported by a full provenance and/or provenience.

Full disclosure regarding the provenance and/or provenience of any data included in submitted research must be given at the time of submission. At a minimum, all texts must include a brief statement regarding the source of the data including the excavation history, excavation and current location. Any further details may be submitted as a separate document which will be kept on record by the publisher.  

For cases in which any reasonable doubt is expressed by the editors or reviewers, the author(s) may be asked to provide further details regarding data provenance and further investigation may be conducted by IntEgeditorial staff.

Failure or inability to provide adequate details regarding the provenance and/or provenience for any data will result in automatic rejection.

The full terms of the Treaty can be found here, and details of current work can be found at the official UNESCO website.


Permissions for Scientific Analysis

Where relevant, submitted research must include a statement outlining the permissions obtained to carry out such research, e.g. scientific analysis of archaeological material.

Failure or inability to provide adequate details of research permissions will result in automatic rejection.



IntEg is firmly committed to the ethical guidelines as stated above, but exceptions may be made for research that critiques past examples of poor ethical practice or that aims to highlight harm caused by looting and the illicit antiquities trade.

Authors wishing to submit papers relating to these themes are advised to contact the editors prior to submission.  


Equality Statement

 IntEg seeks to promote a publishing environment that is free and accessible to all, championing research from a diverse and inclusive cross-section of academia. IntEg is firmly committed to ensuring that all people are treated equally and with respect. Equality is mandated irrespective of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, disability, self-identification, marital/partnership and/or parenthood status. IntEg wishes to be a platform for scientific excellence, creating a publishing environment that is free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.

Publications accepted to IntEg are based solely on academic merit. As such, IntEg is also committed to upholding stringent, scientific research methods in the pursuit of knowledge. IntEg retains the right to reject for publication that material which has not been carried out in accordance with current, objective scientific standards, or that does not meet our Code of Ethics.