Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with IntEg! Please join our private Facebook group to be part of the discussion on the direction and future of IntEg. Also follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
Volunteering with IntEg
Below we will post volunteer opportunities that become available to get involved with IntEg. Please note that all positions and opportunities with IntEg are on a volunteer basis.
Publishing with IntEg is free. We offer free Open Access, double-blind peer-reviewed publication with DOIs, that are free to read and download at absolutely no cost to you, our authors and readers. All our online events are free too, and open to everyone. The only way that we can offer this completely free experience is through the generosity and dedication of our team of volunteers—that is, the entire IntEg Team!
IntEg is an entirely volunteer-run enterprise. Everyone who works on the initiative—from our Editor-in-Chief to our Editorial Assistants—does this in their own spare time, and no-one receives remuneration. We are all here because we believe in our mission to make cutting-edge interdisciplinary, Egyptological research accessible to everyone.
Current Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently looking for an Events Manager to help us organise our online events - click here for more details! (Deadline: 5th April, 2021)

Do you have an idea for a Panel Discussion or a Special Issue of IntEg? If so, we would love to hear from you as we are keen to have as much involvement from the academic Egyptology community as possible.