Elternarbeit in der Kita der Migrationsgesellschaft
– Eine Untersuchung sprachbezogener Phänomene in der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Kita- Fachpersonal aus migrationspädagogischer Perspektive
migration pedagogical perspective, parental involvement, daycare center, migration society, early childhood education, power-critical foreign and second language learning researchAbstract
This article examines the cooperation between parents and daycare professionals from a
migration pedagogical perspective and analyzes migration-related linguistic relations and
hierarchies in daycare centers. The aim is to contextualize the (re-)production of linguistic
hierarchies and their effects on opportunities for participation in the subject of German as a Foreign and Second Language, and to show where there is a need for modernization, thus
closing a gap in power-critical research in the context of early childhood education. It becomes
clear that the basic dialogical attitude between childcare professionals and families often fails
due to natio-ethno-cultural lines of difference, which leads to discriminatory (linguistic)
practices and racist discrimination. There is a particular need for modernisation in dealing with
these practices and sensitising the actors. The article emphasises the necessity of creating an
awareness of existing institutional power relations in daycare centres in the migration society
and contributing to the empowerment of people in marginalised subject positions.
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