About the Journal

medien & zeit is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal based in Vienna and affiliated with the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna. Since 1986, it has been dedicated to theories, methods and topics of communication research in all its diversity and attempts to view them integratively in a historical perspective.

medien & zeit provides a forum for the examination of the dynamics of political and socio-cultural conditions, organizational forms, modes, patterns, contents, effects and consequences of mediated communication in the past. It emphasizes a focus on development and change in communication.

medien & zeit aims to reflect the variety of intellectual traditions in the field of communication history and to promote dialogue between them.
Since 2014, the journal established the section Research Corner, which particularly supports younger researchers. It is responsibly supervised by staff members of the Viennese Institute for Media and Communication Studies.

Two issues are published per year. Most articles as well as issues are in German language but medien & zeit increasingly encourages contributions in English. From 2023 medien & zeit mainly publishes theme-issues as well as open-issues based on articles submitted in response to a Call for Papers. All articles are peer-reviewed by the editors of the issue undergo a double-blind peer review.

Public access to articles in the journal medien & zeit is free of charge, at no charge to authors, and is available to all readers under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. The rights for the contributions belong to the respective authors (no apc).

medien & zeit is published by the Working Committee for Historical Communication Research (Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung, AHK) in Vienna, Austria, or guest editors invited by the AHK. The Working Committee is a non-profit association.