„Show me all images, on which cubes are depicted!“ The Publication of graphics of the Institute for Ludology and Playing Arts in the repository of the Mozarteum University Salzburg library





Mozarteum University Salzburg, institutional repository, ludology, graphics


Rainer Buland (RB), director of the Institute for Ludology and Edith Leitner (EL), Repository Manager of the Mozarteum University Library Salzburg, talk about the decision for the electronic publication of graphics in the newly established institutional repository. Before this innovative step administrative hurdles were to overcome and technical requirements to clarify. Rainer Buland had to define technical standards such as image resolution, format and license details. The library was forced to enter interesting new ground, because for the cataloging of graphics still no rules are available. The following conversation reflects the enjoyable cooperation of research and library in creating the graphics repository.


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How to Cite

Buland, R. and Leitner, E. (2018) “„Show me all images, on which cubes are depicted!“ The Publication of graphics of the Institute for Ludology and Playing Arts in the repository of the Mozarteum University Salzburg library”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 71(1), pp. 30–40. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v71i1.1988.

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