Sustainable Software Development: code4research




software development, research data management, archiving, sustainable software


With the step into the digital age, research processes increasingly process data in digital form, which are generated, analyzed and presented with the help of software. The range of commercial solutions is reaching its limits when it comes to research requirements, and software is increasingly being developed as part of a research project. In many cases, the developed programs will continue to run after the project ends as they serve as a basis for further research or the results will be published in an alternative form. This poses new challenges for many scientists, who have little to do with their actual task, research. Software development is just one of many other challenges that come with increasing digitization. This article focuses on the development process of software taking into account sustainability and the aspect of archiving. Among other things, it raises the question of whether and how research can be supported centrally and what role research data management plays in this.



Susanne Margareta Blumesberger (2017): Der Umgang mit Requirements-Engineering an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Master-Thesis (ULG), Universität Wien. Universitätslehrgang Library and Information Studies (MSc). URN: urn:nbn:at:at-ubw:1-12645.74671.225161-2




How to Cite

Ganguly, R. (2018) “Sustainable Software Development: code4research”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 71(1), pp. 171–180. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v71i1.2019.

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