The certificate course "Data Librarian" and its first implementation




research data management, research support, repositories, data aggregation, data analysis, data modelling, scholarly communication


In the digital age, libraries as service institutions are increasingly providing access to electronic resources and digital content, in addition to the printed collections on site. Digital change and rapid developments in the information sector are creating new challenges and new fields of activity. In order to meet the requirements of the professional field, permanent further education and training is required. As a result, the certificate course „Data Librarian“ was created to impart knowledge that is useful for the development and implementation of services in the field of research data management. The main focus of this certificate course is on scholarly communication and research support, policies for handling research data, data management plans, metadata in the field of repositories, data analysis, data aggregation and linking, data standards, data modelling, long-term preservation and data protection. In this article, organisers, lecturers and participants report on their experiences during the first implementation of the course.


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Hammad Rauf Khan, Yunfei Du (2018): What is a data librarian? Content Analysis of Job Advertisements for Data Librarians in the United States Academic Libraries. Paper presented at IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hazel van Rooi, Retha Snyman (2006): A content analysis of literature regarding knowledge management opportunities for librarians. In: Aslib Proceedings 58(3), 261–271.

Ryan Womack (2016): What is a data librarian? In: Ryan Data (23. November).



How to Cite

Rezniczek, A., Blumesberger, S., Bargmann, M., Eberhard, I. and Kaier, C. (2019) “The certificate course "Data Librarian" and its first implementation”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 72(2), pp. 274–283. doi: 10.31263/voebm.v72i2.3176.



Special Issue