Lire les sciences sociales


  • Gérard Mauger Institut de recherche sur les sociétés contemporaines, CSU, CNRS
  • Louis Pinto Institut de recherche sur les sociétés contemporaines, CSU, CNRS



The article concentrates on the most essential elements of a social science as research, whereby research is strictly interpreted as the verification of a theory in a particular field but neither as „theorie sans terrain“ nor „terrain sans theorie“. Yet even if this particular employment in the field of social science is explicitly conceived of as privileging the logic of discovery and the strictures of proof in opposite to all preconstructed themes, theories and traditions of different disciplines, it cannot simply be reduced to the standpoint of pure logic. Engagement for social science as reflexive research means to further its practical, political acceptance by using the results obtained from research, means fighting for her autonomisation in terms of contributing to the creation of appropriate forms of sociability for its activities and reception (such as the formation of a reading public, discussion forums, effective tools with which to combat social barriers to the attainment of knowledge, etc.).





Mauger, G. ., & Pinto, L. (1997). Lire les sciences sociales. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 8(3), 312–316.