Die Verfolgung der Männer

Gleichgeschlechtliche männliche Begierden und Praktiken in der europäischen Geschichte


  • Gert Hekma Vakgroep Sociologie, Faculteit der Politieke en Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam




The author provides an overview of the history of male homosexuality in Europe. The literature on this subject reveals significant move from pederasty to effeminacy, and ultimately, to relations between men of a similar age. The article points out a number of important historical trends, notably the growing criminalization of male same-sex acts since the Middle Ages. While their punishment has basically become less severe since the French Revolution, the number of cases brought before criminal courts has actually risen in many countries. Many people from the late 19th century onwards have viewed male homosexual behavior not just as a sin and a crime, but as a disease as weil. Others, however, began to think of male homosexuality simply as a variation in nature and started to establish emancipation movements. More recent developments indicate some progress in this direction, even if tolerance of male homosexuality does still not necessarily mean acceptance in practice.





Hekma, G. (1998). Die Verfolgung der Männer: Gleichgeschlechtliche männliche Begierden und Praktiken in der europäischen Geschichte. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 9(3), 311–341. https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-1998-9-3-2



research paper