16 years of PHAIDRA at the University of Vienna – or: How research data management came to the library





Repository, PHAIDRA, Vienna University Library, Research Data Management


Since 2008, all members of the University of Vienna have been able to archive digital scholarly materials in the PHAIDRA repository. What was conceived as a single repository with a long-term archiving function has, after many years of cooperation between the University Library and the Vienna University Computer Center, developed into a repository landscape that provides a comprehensive infrastructure for research data management for the entire University with all its different disciplines. This article describes the key milestones in the development from the PHAIDRA repository to today’s diverse offering with national and international networks.


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How to Cite

Blumesberger, S. (2024) “16 years of PHAIDRA at the University of Vienna – or: How research data management came to the library”, Communications of the Association of Austrian Librarians, 77(2). doi: 10.31263/voebm.v77i2.8562.

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