About the Journal

Mission Statement:

Objectives and editorial policy: The Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG) has existed since 1990. It publishes articles primarily on topics of women’s and gender history, cultural history, the history of science, political history, as well as economic- and social history. Theoretical concepts and research methods are discussed in its articles as well as in discussions with researchers, in workshop reports from ongoing projects, and in review essays. The OeZG appears three times a year, mostly in theme issues, occasionally also in open issues. Its strength lies in the connection of theoretically and methodically innovative approaches with relevant historical debates and topics.

The OeZG has been included in ERIH PLUS, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as in several other scientific journal indices (Norwegian Publication Indicator, Scopus, EBSCO Historical Abstracts, etc.). This underlines its status as a journal of international standing with an international authorship and internationally relevant topics.

Review policy: All research papers are submitted to an anonymous international review process (double blind peer review). Essays or "Werkstattberichte" are submitted to an internal review. The OeZG publishes articles in German and English. The titles, abstracts, and key words of research papers are provided in English.

Open access policy: From volume 2020 onwards, the OeZG publishes all contributions as an open access journal via the Open Journal Systems (OJS3), that means all texts are freely available to the public ("gold road") and there are no fees to both authors (article publishing charge/APC) and readers = platinum or diamond way. All editions since 1990 were converted to this standard and  made accessible via this website. The OeZG will continue to be published in print by StudienVerlag, through whose website all previous editions (from vol. 1/no. 1/1990 to vol. 30/no. 2/2019) are also accessible in digital form.
The authos hold copyright without restriction.

Acceptance of proposed topics and manuscripts: Proposals for new themed volumes and manuscripts in German or English can be submitted to the editorial team at any time. Essays and research papers on topics for which no themed volume is planned may be published in the open space of any volume.

Publication fee: There is no article submission charge or article processing charge (APC).

The OeZG has received funding by:

Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna

Johannes Kepler Open Access Publishing Fund

Linz University Funds

City of Vienna, Magistrats­abteilung 7 – Kultur, Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung

In 2021 also: Interdisciplinary Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Salzburg; Federal Government of Lower Austria, Department Research and Science

In 2022 also: Vizerektorat für Forschung, University of Innsbruck