21 December 2023: presentation issue 3/2023 "Motions in Knowledge - Knowledge in Motion"


Thursday, December 21, 2023, 4.45-6.15 pm
Presentation of the Special issue of the Austrian Journal of Historical Studies (OeZG), 3/23:
Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion. Applying 'Knowledge Circulation' in Historical Research
Speakers/Editors: Lisa Hoppel, Nora Lehner and Florence Klauda
Venue: Seminarraum WISO 1 (ZG1O2.28), main building University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

This special issue discusses possibilities of applying the concept of “knowledge circulation“ in historical
scholarship. As one of the key concepts within the History of Knowledge, “knowledge circulation” implies that knowledge is not simply spread linearly from A to B. Rather, it suggests a multidirectional process in which knowledge is produced, mobilized, and always transformed. This approach sheds light on various actors, spaces, means, and techniques that constitute the process of knowledge production. Examining the contents, conditions, functions, as well as obstacles of knowledge in motion, uncovers both contested scopes of action and asymmetrical power relations. By understanding knowledge production as a communicative process, the volume identifies practices of representation and recognition, as well as strategies of empowerment and agency. Contributions cover different epochs and regional contexts, which require a variety of definitions and methodological approaches and allow for a focus on conceptual synergies in order to display the analytical value of “knowledge circulation”.