Émigré historians and Historische Zeitschrift since 1949. Reviews as sources for history of science and humanities


  • Matthias Krämer




émigré historians, Historische Zeitschrift, review analysis, hermeneutics


German speaking émigré historians tried to influence German historians and students after the Second World War by returning for guest professorships – an important category of short time remigration – and publishing not only for American readers. But German speaking historians tended to reject émigré influence in the first post-war years. The essay approaches those mainly negative reactions by analyzing all reviews on books by transatlantic guest professors, published in the important Historische Zeitschrift between 1949 an 1964, regarding quantitative, qualitative and depth-hermeneutical aspects. The applied approach is recommended for further research in the field of history of science and humanities.




How to Cite

Krämer M. (2010). Émigré historians and Historische Zeitschrift since 1949. Reviews as sources for history of science and humanities. Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 21(3), 174–211. https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-2010-21-3-8