Historikerinnen und ihre Disziplin an der Universität Zürich: Definitions(ohn)macht durch fehlende Institutionalisierung
women historians, dissertations, University of Zurich, knowledge production, gender historyAbstract
The article tries to examine how relevant and functional the social category gender was for the performance of women writing dissertations in history at the University of Zurich. Titles of dissertations by female historians between 1875 and 2009 are evaluated statistically. Particular attention is given to dissertations focussing on women and gender history which originated not earlier than in the 1980ies. The theoretical and methodical procedures of a few chosen dissertations are examined. By relating the social category gender to the knowledge category gender, the results may prove relevant for gender-history, but also for discussing the functioning of academic knowledge systems and the dependency of scientific knowledge on social background.