Discourse, Language, Time, Identity. A plea for an extended history of discourse


  • Peter Haslinger Collegium Carolinum, Forschungsstelle zur Geschichte der böhmischen Länder, München




To date, discourse analysis in German historiography has not yet established a set of broadly accepted methods. This article begins by addressing some of the problems inherent in theories which have sought to create a model for historical discourse analysis (e.g. relating to the typicality of the sources, centre and periphery situations within discourses, or the relationship between time, identity, and discourse). The author then argues for an expanded methodological approach through the inclusion of further analytical tools, mainly deriving from communication studies. Finally, the article maps out a concrete framework for the implementation of different steps in historical discourse analysis.


How to Cite

Haslinger, P. (2005). Discourse, Language, Time, Identity. A plea for an extended history of discourse. Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 16(4), 33–59. https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-2005-16-4-3