Exemplary Expertise. Josef Maschka’s Forensic Case Digest of Prague Faculty Opinions (1853–1873)


  • Maria Heidegger Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck
  • Marina Hilber Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Universität Innsbruck




medical expertise, case digest, forensic medicine, Prague, 19th century, Josef Maschka


Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles University in Pragueduring the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper examines boththe intention and efficacy of this exceptional medico-legal source. Facultyopinions were the result of a collective discourse, aimed at presenting an irrevocablemedical expertise to support court decisions in controversial cases.Our analysis addresses two separate levels of meaning: first, we reconstructthe actual circumstances of examination, answering questions as to why thefaculty was involved and which schemes were followed. How did their expertview refer to previous medical opinions and which discursive strategies wereused to strengthen the faculty’s hegemonic interpretation? Our second focuslies on the digest’s educational value, asking whom it was aimed at and how itwas received by the audience. Finally, did faculty opinions really present exemplaryexpertise?




How to Cite

Heidegger, M. ., & Hilber, M. (2021). Exemplary Expertise. Josef Maschka’s Forensic Case Digest of Prague Faculty Opinions (1853–1873). Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, 31(3), 76–101. https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-2020-31-3-5